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Home / Products / Milling machines / Graphic 3-KM technical specifications / Marking
Marking (vector engraving)

In marking mode, the machine engraves vector images - patterns, ornaments, inscriptions.
Vector images are made up of segments and curved lines. Vector engraving accurately conveys the smallest details of the design.
Marking mode can be used on
Graphic-3KP impact-etching machines, on Graphic 3-KL laser engraving +impact etching machines as well as on Graphic-3KM milling +impact etching machines.
Vector engraving works in both impact and laser modes.


Features of marking mode:
- Vector images are engraved with a diamond needle or laser beam on stone, metal, plastic and other hard materials.
- Perfectly clear lines and contours of letters and other symbols.
- Adjustment of impact force (laser power) and distance between points.
- Import of vector images from DXF format (Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, AutoCAD) into G-codes.
- Monitoring the surface level with a built-in level sensor. The tilt of the workpiece does not affect the quality of engraving.
- Pause and continue working. Turning off the machine and computer with the ability to continue from where it was interrupted.
- Resuming work from the interrupted point in the event of a sudden power outage.

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